User Experience (UX)

What good is great content or an amazing feature if a user can’t find it on your website? You need users to navigate your website with ease and find the key information that is designed to convert them into a customer.

This is done with User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI), both of which map out every inch of your website from the starting gate (homepage) to the finish line (contact us or checkout). They should maximize usability and help visitors understand the value you offer.

The last thing you want is to put effort into driving traffic only to have them bounce from your homepage because they’re lost and confused. UX and UI help you yield a return on your online marketing investment and they impact your bottom line by connecting customers and potential customers to y our services and products.

You know who also likes UX and UI? Google, Bing and Yahoo, that’s who. Every search engine wants to send their users to websites that are thoughtful and organized. Make sure that as part of your SEO strategy, your website has a top-notch interface that is clear and navigable.

To do so, you need a dedicated team to draft a user-centric experience and interface that will take your online presence to the next level…or the next ten levels.